Faculty Resources
What can I expect?
Most of us had a faculty member help us along our educational path. A person who helped encourage and motivate us as well as helped us navigate though the experiences along the way. Now is your chance to be that person for someone else. Choosing to be a Faculty Student Mentor requires a few manageable things from the mentor. Some of those things are listed below. In addition many informational sessions, trainings and special events are available to help build the mentor’s knowledge and to collaborate with other mentors. In addition there is celebration at the end of every semester where faculty mentors are honored for their contributions.
Expectation of faculty mentors:
Faculty mentors have an active say in the students they mentor.
- Two 20 minute sessions during the faculty member’s office hours per semester
- Set up 1st face-to-face meetings with mentees within 3-4 weeks of classes starting.
- Create understanding that the student can reach out to the faculty member whenever they need and follow-up as agreed upon.
- Email or phone call to follow up with students periodically. Faculty should refer the student to the advisor or other appropriate resource for specific information or actions that they cannot perform. Resources are available on the Faculty Student Mentor Program webpages and more information will be made available to faculty/student mentors.
- Be willing to connect with your students and be a resource to them.
Please contact Muraya Gonzalez at mgonzalez1285@lsxythnjy.com if you would like to sign up as a mentor.
During the semester there will be several events to help equip the Faculty-Student Mentor with more information to better mentor our students. We will be hosting several trainings, lunch & learn events along with a few special events. There will be multiple opportunities to get hands-on experience to become familiar with or learn more about the systems that are in place to help the Faculty Student Mentor have better knowledge and usage of those systems. Below you will find the calendar of upcoming events.
Faculty Documents
Faculty Mentor Application Form
Faculty-Student Mentor Contract (Download, fill out, and sign)